The Library hosts a number of educational and outreach events throughout the year on behalf of the Trustees of Muckross House.
January & February
Date / Time
22, 29 January 2020
5, 12, 19, 26 February 2020

School Visits
A series of educational tours of Muckross House,
specifically designed for senior pupils of Killarney’s
primary schools, takes place during the months of January
and February.
(Please note: many schools, both from Killarney
and elsewhere,
also visit Muckross House outside of
this Winter time period).
March 2020
Date / Time
20 March 2020
7:30 to 8:30pm

Due to public health concerns, it is with regret
that we have taken the decision to postpone this event until
a later date.
Thank you for your continued support &
Big Fellow, Long Fellow: Friends or Foes?
A talk in the Garden Restaurant by broadcaster and writer Dr David McCullagh. This is the first of three Spring Talks hosted by Muckross House Research Library marking the Decade of Centenaries.
April 2020
Date / Time
3 April 2020
7:30 to 8:30pm

Due to public health concerns, it is with regret
that we have taken the decision to postpone this event until
a later date.
Thank you for your continued support &
1920: A Year of Terror
A talk in the Garden Restaurant by historian and writer Liz Gillis. This is the second of three Spring Talks hosted by Muckross House Research Library marking the Decade of Centenaries.
May 2020
Date / Time
11 - 15 May
(To Be Confirned)

Féile Chultúir Chiarraí (Festival of Kerry Culture)
The Library, together with Muckross Traditional Farms, hosts Féile Chultúir Chiarraí annually, over a one-week period, during the month of May. This event consists of a series of ‘hands-on’ workshops for primary school children. The workshops include: traditional butter-making; traditional bread baking; the work of the journeyman carpenter; the traditional Irish dwelling and its furnishings; traditional Irish music workshop.
Primary Schools within County Kerry are notified
in advance of this event
and are accommodated on a
‘First Come, First Served’ basis.
May 2020
Date / Time
15 May 2020
7:30 to 8:30pm

Due to public health concerns, it is with regret
that we have taken the decision to postpone this event until
a later date.
Thank you for your continued support &
Michael Collins and the War in the Shadows
A talk in the Garden Restaurant by broadcaster
and writer Dr Myles Dungan.
This is the third of three Spring Talks hosted by Muckross
House Research Library
marking the Decade of
Admission is Free and Booking is not necessary.
Venue: Garden Restaurant, Muckross.
August 2020
Date / Time
15 - 23 August 2020
7:30 to 8:30pm

Heritage Week
During Heritage Week members of the public may
‘encounter’ some historical characters
while visiting
Muckross House.
These may include: ‘Queen Victoria’, the
‘Victorian Cook’ and ‘Butler’, as well as the Irish poet
‘W.B. Yeats.’
September 2020
Date / Time
11 September 2020
Event and Time to be confirmed.

Culture Night
Event and Time to be confirmed.
In 2019, conservator Sven Habermann led a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of Muckross House explaining some of the issues we encounter while caring for a historic house.
November 2020
Date / Time
27 November 2020

Michael Collins and the War in the Shadows
An online talk by broadcaster and writer Dr Myles Dungan.
To recieve your free Zoom link email before 5.30, Wednesday 25th November.
December 2020
Date / Time
4 December 2020

The Other Great Pandemic
Spanish Flu in Ireland 1918 - 1919.
An online talk by historian of disease Dr Ida Milne.
To recieve your free Zoom link email before 5.30, Wednesday 2nd December.
December 2020
Date / Time
11 December 2020

1920: A Year of Terror
An online talk by author and historian Liz Gillis.
To recieve your free Zoom link email before 5.30, Wednesday 9th December.