Muckross House & Estate
Tenancy, Caretaking & Grazing Agreements
Tenancy and other agreements relating to the former employees and tenants of the Muckross Estate do not survive in our archive prior to c. 1900.
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ID | Document Number | Dated | Name of Lessor | Name of Lessee | Address of Lessee | From | To | Terms of Rental | Precise Lands under Agreement |
9 | A.A.5 | 12th day of February 1907 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Thomas Greany | Muckross, Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st March 1907 | To 1st February 1908 | £10 to be paid on the first day of March, a further £10 to be paid on the first day of August 1907 (the said sums of £10 and £10 making together the sum of £20). | Demesne lands of Muckross bounded by a wire fence from sunk fence near garden to old Farm yard gate and from said gate by wire fence to Shanahar Gate, and thence by sunk fence at foot of Green hills containing Fifteen acres or thereabouts, |
5 | A.A.1 | 22nd day of January 1901 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies, Co. Kerry. | From 1st February 1901 | to 1st December 1901 | The sum of three pounds to be paid in one sum on or before the eigth day of August 1901. | That part of the lands of Tomies known as the field at the south western side of Tomies Cottage, in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry containing four acres. |
6 | A.A.2 | 22nd day of February 1901 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Patrick Tangney | Gearhameen | From 1st of February 1901 | to 31st December 1901 | The sum of eight pounds ten shillings for Leave and Licence to use for the Agistment grazing (note: grazing has been crossed out and cattle and sheep pencilled in) only, | That part of the Lands of Doogarry in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry, containing 1804 acres 2 roods and 14 perches. |
7 | A.A.3 | 22nd day of January 1901 | The Right Hon. Baron Ardilaun | James Counihan (farmer or grazier) | Torc, Co. Kerry | From 1st of February 1901 | to 31st December 1901 | The sum of £2 to be paid in one sum on or before the eighth day of August 1901. | That part of the Lands of the Muckross Demesne known as Torc Cottage Lawn, in the Parish of Killarney, Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry containing two acres. |
8 | A.A.4 | 22nd day of January 1901 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Robert E. Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st February 1901 | to 31st December 1901 | The sum of seven pounds to be paid on or before the 8th of May 1901 and the remaining seven pounds to be paid on or before the 11th day of November 1901. | That part of the Lands of Gearhameen Demesne in the Parish of Knockane Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry, containing forty acres. |
10 | A.A.6 | 11th day of March 1907 | The Right Hon. Baron Arthur Edward Ardilaun | Michael D. Moriarty (farmer) | Coolies, Parish of Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 20th March 1907 | to 31st December 1907 | The sum of £5 to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1907. And also of the further sum of £4. 5. 0., (Four pounds and five shillings) to be paid on the 28th day of November 1907 (the said sums of £5 and £4. 5. 0 making together the sum of £9. 5. | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as the Bogfield at Droumyrourk |
11 | A.A.7 | 9th day of March 1907 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Doyle (caretaker) | Torc Lodge, Co. Kerry. | From 12th of March 1907 | to 31st December 1907 | The sum of £2 to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1907. | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as Torc Cottage Lawn, containing two statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
12 | A.A.8 | 9th day of March 1907 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan (caretaker) | Tomies, Co. Kerry. | From 11th of March 1907 | to 31st December 1907 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 31st day of August 1907. | That part of the lands of Tomies West known as the field adjoining Tomies Cottage at the western side, containing four acres statute measure or thereabouts. |
13 | A.A.9 | 12th day of February 1907 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | John P. Courtney (cattle dealer) | Gortromakiery | From 1st March 1907 | to 31st December 1907 | The sum of £25 to be paid on the 27th day of April 1907. And also of the further sum of £25 to be paid on the 11th day of November 1907 (the said sums of £25 and £25 making together the sum of £50). | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as Torc field. Spring field, Bush field, the Bog field and Droumrower containing ninty nine statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
14 | A.A.10 | 9th day of March 1907 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Timothy Cremin (cattle dealer) | Gortadirra, Tomies, Co. Kerry. (cattledealer) | From 11th March 1907 | to 31st of December 1907 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 14th day of August 1907. And also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 28th day of November 1907 (the said sums of £3 and £3 making together the sum of £6. | That part of the lands of Gortadirra in the Tomies district of the Muckross Estate containing Twenty acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
15 | A.A.11 | 16th day of March 1907 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Robert E Tangney (farmer) | Gearhameen | From 20th March 1907 | to 31st december 1907 | The sum of £7 to be paid on or before the eight day of May 1907. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on the 28th day of November 1907 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14. | That part of the lands of Gearhameen known as part of the demesne lands of Gearhameen containing forty Acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
16 | A.A.12 | 20th day of January 1908 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Robert E. Tangney (farmer) | Gearhameen | From 1st February 1908 | to 31st December 1908 | The sum of £7 to be paid on or before the eighth day of May 1908. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on or before the 28th day of november 1908 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14). | That part of the lands of Gearhameen, known as part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing forty acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
17 | A.A.13 | 2nd day of April 1908 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Timothy Cremin (farmer) | Gordadiva, Tomies District, Co. Kerry. | From 2nd April 1908 | to 31st December 1908 | The sum of £3 to be paid on the 12th day of August 1908. And also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on the 11th day of November 1908 (the said sums of £3 and £3 making together the sum of £6. | That part of the lands of Gortadirra containing twenty four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
18 | A.A.14 | 24th day of September 1908 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | John P. Courtney | Gortdromakiery, Co. Kerry. | From 24th September 1908 | to 31st December 1908 | The sum of £6 to be paid on the 11th day of November 1908 | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as the field opposite to the Headkeeper's Lodge, containing five statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
19 | A.A.15 | 29th day of February 1908 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Thomas Greany | Muckross, Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st March 1908 | to 1st February 1909 | The sum of £10 to be paid on the 29th day of February 1908. And also of the further sum of £10 to be paid on the eleventh day of August 1908 (the said sums of £10 and £10 making together the sum of £20). | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross bounded by a wire fence from sunk fence near garden to old farm yard gate and from said gate by wire fence to Shanaghar gate and thence by sunk fence at foot of green hills, containing fifteen statute acres |
20 | A.A.16 | 3rd day of January 1908 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | John P. Courtney | Gortdromakery | From 1st of February 1908 | to 31st December 1908 | The sum of £25 to be paid on the 27th day of April 1908. And also of the further sum of "25 to be paid on the 11th day of November 1908 (the said sums of £25 and £25 making together the sum of £50). | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as Torc field, Springfield, Bushfield, the Bogfield and Dromrower, containing ninty nine acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
21 | A.A.17 | 21st day of January 1908 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Michael Doyle (caretaker) | Torc Gate Lodge, Muckross, Co. Kerry. | From 1st February 1908 | to 31st December 1908 | The sum of £2 to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1908. | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as Torc House lawn containing Two Acres Statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
22 | A.A.18 | 14th day of March 1908 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies, Co. Kerry. | From 14th March 1908 | to 31st December 1908. | The sum of £3 to be paid on the eighth day of August 1908. | That part of the lands of Tomies known as the field adjoining Tomies Cottage at the western side containing four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
23 | A.A.19 | 1st day of January (£) 1909 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Michael Doyle (caretaker) | Torc Gate Lodge, Muckross, Co. Kerry. | From 1st February 1909 | to 31st December 1909 | The sum of £2 to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1909 | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as Torc House Lawn, in the parish of Killarney and County of Kerry containing two statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
24 | A.A.20 | 2nd day of January 1909 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael D. Moriarty | Coolies, Parish of Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st February 1909 | to 31st December 1909 | The sum of £5 to be paid on the 9th day of August 1909. And also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on the 29th day of November 1909 (the said sums of £5 and £3 making together the sum of £8 being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as the Bogfield at Droumyrourk in the Parish of Killarney and in the County of Kerry, containing nine acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
25 | A.A.21 | 18th day of December 1909 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward, Baron Ardilaun | Thomas Higgins | Nelson Street Tralee (victualler and cattledealer) | From 1st February 1910 | to 31st December 1910 | The sum of £40 to be paid on the ninth day of December 1909. And also of the further sum of £40 to be paid on or before the tenth day of August 1910. (the said sums of £40 and £40 making together the sum of £80 (eighty pounds) being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as Carrigafreehane situate at the eastern side of the Killarney Road, containing thirty eight and a half acres, statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
26 | A.A.22 | 23rd day of January 1909 | The Rt. Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan (caretaker) | Tomies, Co. Kerry. | From 1st February 1909 | to 31st of December 1909 | The sum of £3 (Three pounds) to be paid on the 11th day of November 1909 (being the entire consideration for these presents) | That part of the lands of Tomies known as the field adjoining Tomies Cottage at the western side, containing four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
27 | A.A.23 | 13th day of January 1909 | The Rt. Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Thomas Higgins (Victualler and Cattledealer) | Nelson Street, Tralee. | From 1st February 1909 | to 31st December 1909 | The sum of £38 (Thirty eight pounds) to be paid on the 31st day of January 1909. And also of the further sum of £38 (Thirty eight pounds) to be paid on the 10th day of August 1909 (the said sums of £38 and £38 making together the sum of £76 (seventy six pounds) | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as Carrigafreehane situate at the Eastern side of the Killarney Road, containing thirty eight and a half statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
28 | A.A.24 | 4th day of February 1909 | The Rt. Hon.. Lord Ardilaun | Timothy Cremin (Farmer) | Gortadirra, Tomies District, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of February 1909 | to 31st of December 1909 | The sum of £3 (Three pounds) to be paid on or before the 10th day of September 1909. And also of the further sum of £3 (Three pounds) to be paid on or before the 28th day of November 1909 (the said sums of £3 and £3 making together the sum of £6 (six pounds) | That part of the lands of Gortadirra containing twenty four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
29 | A.A.25 | 14th day of January 1909 | The Rt. Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Thomas Greany | Muckross, Killarney | From 1st of March 1909 | to 1st of February 1910 | The sum of £10 (Ten pounds) to be paid on the 8th day of May 1909. And also of the further sum of £10 (Ten pounds) to be paid on the 2nd day of October 1909 (the said sums of £10 and £10 making together the sum of £20 (Twenty pounds) being the entire consideration for these presents). | Area called Muckross Demesne Lawn on front of agreement. That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross bounded by a wire fence from sunk fence near garden to old farm yard gate and from said gate by wire fence to Shanaghar gate and thence by sunk fence at foot of green hills containing fifteen statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
30 | A.A.26 | 28th day of March 1907 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Thomas Higgins (Butcher and Cattledealer) | St. Anne's, Clontarf, Co. Dublin. | From 1st February 1907 | to 31st of December 1907 | The sum of £38 (Thirty eight pounds) paid on the 17th day of January 1907. And also of the further sum of £38 (Thirty eight pounds) to be paid on the eighth day of August 1907 (the said sums of £38 and £38 making together the sum of £76 (seventy six pounds) | That part of the Muckross Demesne lands known as Carrigafreehane situate at the eastern side of the Killarney Road. |
31 | A.A.27 | 9th day of February 1910 | The Rt. Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Michael Doyle | Torc Gate Lodge, Muckross, Co. Kerry. | From 1st February 1910 | to 31st December 1910 | The sum of £2 (Two pounds) to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1910. | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as Torc House lawn in the parish of Killarney and County of Kerry, containing two statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and county of Kerry. |
32 | A.A.28 | 5th day of February 1910 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies, Co. Kerry | From 1st February 1910 | to 31st December 1910 | The sum of £3 (Three pounds) to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1910 (being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the lands of Tomies known as the field adjoining Tomies Cottage at the western side, containing four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
33 | A.A.29 | 9th day of February 1910 | The Rt. Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Thomas Greany | Muckross, Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of March 1910 | to 1st February 1911 | The sum of £10 (ten pounds) to be paid on or before the fourth day of March 1910. And also of the further sum of £10 (ten pounds) to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1910 (the said sums of £10 and £10 making together the sum of £20 (twenty pounds) | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, bounded by a wire fence from sunk fence near garden to old farm yard gate and from said gate by wire fence to Shanahar gate and thence by sunk fence at foot of green hills, containing fifteen acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
34 | A.A.30 | 16th day of April 1910 | The Right Hon.. Lord Ardilaun | Timothy Cremin (farmer) | Gortadirra (Tomies District), Co. Kerry. | From 16th of April 1910 | to 31st of December 1910 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the twelfth day of August 1910. And also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on or before the eleventh day of November 1910 (the said sums of £3 and £3 making together the sum of £6 (six pounds). | That part of the lands of Gortadirra containing twenty four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
35 | A.A.33 | 12th day of January 1910 | The Rt. Hon. Lord Ardilaun | John P. Courtney (cattledealer) | Gortromakiery, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of February 1910 | to 31st December 1910 | The sum of £30 (Thirty pounds) to be paid on or before the 27th day of April 1910. And also of the further sum of £25 (Twentyfive pounds) to be paid on or before the eleventh day of November 1910 (the said sums of £30 and £25 making together the sum of £5 | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as Torc field, Spring field, Bushfield, the Bogfield and Droumrower, containing nintynine statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
36 | A.A.31 | 12th day of January 1911 | The Rt, Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Thomas Greany | Muckross, Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st March 1911 | to 1st February 1912 | The sum of £10 (Ten pounds) to be paid on or before the fourth day of March 1911. And also of the further sum of £10 (Ten pounds) to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1911 (the said sums of £10 and £10 making together the sum of £20 (Twenty po | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, bounded by a wire fence from sunk fence near garden to old farm gate and from said gate by wire fence to Shanahar gate and thence by sunk fence at foot of green hills, containing fifteen acres, |
37 | A.A.32 | 3rd day of January 1911 | The Rt. Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael D. Moriarty | Coolies, Parish of Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of February 1911 | to 31st December 1911 | The sum of £7 (seven pounds) to be paid on or before the 9th day of August 1911. And also of the further sum of £5 (Five pounds) to be paid on or before the 29th day of November 1911 (the said sums of £7 and £5 making together the sum of £12 (twelve pound | That part of the demesne lands of Muckross known as the Bogfield at Droumrourk in the Parish of Killarney and in the County of Kerry, containing nine acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
38 | A.A.34 | 30th day of May 1911 | The Rt. Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Timothy Cremin (farmer) | Gortadirra (Tomies District), Co. Kerry. | From 30th of April 1911 | to 31st December 1911 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1911. And also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on or before the eleventh day of November 1911 (the said sums of £3 and £3 making together the sum of £6 (six pounds) being the entire consid | That part of the lands of Gortadirra containing twentyfour statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
39 | A.A.35 | 14th day of January 1911 | The Rt. Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Thomas Higgins | Nelson Street, Tralee. | From 1st February 1911 | to 31st december 1911 | The sum of £40 (forty pounds) paid on the 6th day of January 1911. And also of the further sum of £40 (Forty pounds) to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1911 (the said sums of £40 and £40 making together the sum of £80 (Eighty pounds) being t | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as Carrigafreehane, situate at the eastern side of the Killarney Road, containing thirty eight and a half acres, statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Ke |
40 | A.A.36 | 31st day of January 1911 | The Right Hon. Lord Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies Cottage, Co. Kerry | From 1st of February 1911 | to 31st of Decmber 1911 | The sum of £3 (Three pounds) to be paid on the 8th day of August 1911, (being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the lands of Tomies East, known as the field situate west of Tomies Cottage, containing two acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
41 | A.A.37 | 4th day of April 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Anthony McClure | Flesk, Co. Kerry | From 1st of April 1913 | to 31st December 1913 | The sum of £4 to be paid on the 2nd day of June 1913. And also of the further sum of £6 to be paid on the 8th day of August 1913 (the said sums of £4 and £6 making together the sum of £10 (Ten pounds) being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as the eastern side portion of the front entrance field and extending from the front gate to the stream, containing six acres statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) |
42 | A.A.38 | 10th day of October 1913 | Wm. Bowers Bourn | John Hilliard | The Lake Hotel, Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 10 of October 1913 | to 31st December 1913 | The sum of £6 to be paid on the 11th day of October 1913. And also the further sum of £4.10. 0 to be paid on the 11th day of November 1913 (the said sums of £6 and £4.10.0 making together the sum of £10.10.0 being the entire consideration for these prese | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as that portion of the lawn between the sunk fence in front of Muckross House and the plantation near the old farm yard, containing eleven acres, or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) |
43 | A.A.39 | 2nd day of April 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Timothy McCarthy (farmer) | Fourdall, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of April 1913 | to 31st December 1913 | The sum of £14 to be paid on the 8th day of May 1913. And also of the further sum of £12.10. 0 to be paid on the 8th day of August 1913 (the said sums of £14 and £12.10.0 making together the sum of £26.10.0 (Twentysix pounds ten shillings) being the ent | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as the Bogfield at the southwest side of the Headkeepers Lodge, containing seventeen acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
44 | A.A.40 | 11th day of April 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John P. Courtney | Muckross, Co. Kerry | From 1st of April 1913. | to 31st of December 1913. | The sum of £20 to be paid on the 8th day of May 1913. And also of the further sum of £17 to be paid on the 8th day of August 1913 (the said sums of £20 and £17 making together the sum of £37 (Thirtyseven pounds) being the entire consideration for these pr | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as Torc field, containing 50 statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of kerry. |
45 | A.A.41 | 31st day of May 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Bridget Tangney (widow and farmer) | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry | From 1st February 1913 | to 31st of December 1913 | The sum of £7 to be paid on the 8th day of May 1913. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on the 11th day of November 1913 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 (fourteen pounds) being the entire consideration for these presen | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing forty acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
46 | A.A.42 | 21st day of February 1914 | Wm. B. Bourn (William Bowers Bourn) | James O'Shea | Gortahoonig | From 21st February 1914 | to 31st December 1914 | The sum of £7 to be paid on the 2nd day of June 1914. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on the 11th day of November 1914 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 (Fourteen pounds) being the entire consideration for these prese | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as Springfield, containing nine acres and two roods or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry). |
47 | A.A.43 | 20th day of February 1914 | Wm. B. Bourn (William Bowers Bourn) | John Hilliard | The Lake Hotel, Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 20th of February 1914 | to 31st of December 1914 | The sum of £16 to be paid on the 30th day of June 1914. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on the 8th day of August 1914 (the said sums of £16 and £7 making together the sum of £23 (twentythree pounds) being the entire consideration for these pr | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as that portion of the lawn between the Hah hah and the plantation adjoining the old farm yard containing twelve acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) |
48 | A.A.44 | 15th day of April 1915 | Wm B. Bourn (Willian Bowers Bourn) | Michael Tangney (farmer) | Gearhameen | From 15th of April 1915 | to 31st of December 1915 | The sum of 37 to be paid on the 10th day of May 1915. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on the 11th day of November 1915 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 (Fourteen pounds) being the entire consideration for these prese | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen, containing sixty acres, statute measure, or thereabouts, part situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and remaining part situate in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
49 | A.A.45 | 27th day of March 1916 | William B. Bourn (William Bowers Bourn) | Michael Tangney (farmer) | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st february 1916 | to 30th of November 1916 | The sum of £7 to be paid on the 8th day of May 1916. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on the 11th day of August 1916 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 (fourteen pounds) being the entire consideration for these presents | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen, portion of the Muckross Estate containing sixty acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
50 | A.A.46 | 27th day of January 1917 | Arthur Vincent | Daniel Sullivan (caretaker) | Tomies, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of January 1917 | to 30th of November 1917 | The sum of £3 (Three pounds) to be paid on the 11th day of August 1917, being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Tomies Cottage known as the field situate at the west side of said Tomies Cottage, containing about three statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
51 | A.A.47 | 7th day of February 1917 | Arthur Vincent | Thomas Greany | Muckross, Co. Kerry. | From 7th of February (£)1917 | to 30th November 1917 | The sum of £4 to be paid on the - - - day of 1917. And also of the further sum of £4 to be paid on the - - - day of 1917 (the said sums of £4 and £4 making together the sum of £8 (eight pounds) being the entire consideration for these presents) | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as the Abbey Shore Field, containing five statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
52 | A.A.48 | 22nd day of January 1917 | Arthur Vincent | John Lyne | Faugh, Co. Kerry. | From 10th of January 1917 | to 30th of November 1917 | The sum of £16 to be paid on the 4th day of February 1917. And also of the further sum of £14 to be paid on the 4th day of July 1917 (the said sums of £16 and £14 making together the sum of £30 (Thirty pounds) being the entire consideration for these pres | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as the Boat house field. |
53 | A.A.49 | 7th day of February 1917 | Arthur Vincent | Thomas Greany (estate agent) | Muckross, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of January 1917 | to 30th of November 1917 | The sum of £10 to be paid on the 8th day of May 1917. And also of the further sum of £10 to be paid on the 11th day of August 1917 (the said sums of £10 and £10 (Twenty pounds) being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as the field at Carrigafreehane adjacent to the Gortahoonig road, containing ten acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
54 | A.A.50 | 3rd day of March 1917 | Arthur Vincent | Anthony McClure | Flesk, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of February 1917 | to 30th of November 1917 | The sum of £4 to be paid on the 8th day of May 1917. And also of the further sum of £6 to be paid on the 11th day of August 1917 (the said sums of £4 and £6 making together the sum of £10 (Tenpounds) being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as the eastern portion of the front entrance field, extending from the front gate to the stream, containing six statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry |
55 | A.A.51 | 22nd day of January 1917 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | John Lyne | Faugh, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of January 1917 | to 30th of November 1917 | The sum of £10 to be paid on the 4th day of February 1917. And also of the further sum of £6 to be paid on the 4th day of July 1917 (the said sums of £10 and £6 making together the sum of £16 (sixteen pounds) being the entire consideration for these prese | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as the Quarry Field, containing eight acres, statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
56 | A.A.52 | 22nd day of January 1917 | Arthur Vincent | John Hilliard | The Lake Hotel, Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1917 | to 30th of November 1917 | The sum of £16 to be paid on the 8th day of May 1917. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on the 11th day of August 1917 (the said sums of £16 and £7 making together the sum of £23 (Twentythree pounds) being the entire consideration for these pre | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as that portion of the Lawn between the Hah-hah and the plantation adjoining the old farm yard, containing twelve acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) |
57 | A.A.53 | 7th day of February 1917 | Arthur Vincent | James Counihan | Torc, Co.Kerry. | From 1st of January 1917 | to 30th of November 1917 | The sum of £2 to be paid on the 14th day of November 1917, (being the entire consideration for these presents) | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as the lawn near old Torc House, containing about two acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
58 | A.A.54 | 7th day of February 1917 | Arthur Vincent | Eugene Tangney (head gamekeeper) | Muckross, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1917 | to 30th November 1917 | The sum of £6 to be paid on the 8th day of May 1917. And also of the further sum of £6 to be paid on the 11th day of August 1917 (the said sums of £6 and £6 making together the sum of £12 (Twelve pounds) being the entire consideration for these presents) | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as the field opposite the head gamekeeper' lodge, containing six acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
59 | A.A.55 | 3d of May 1917 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st November 1917 | to 30th of November 1917 | The sum of £7 to be paid on the 2nd day of June 1917. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on the 11th day of November 1917 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 (Fourteen pounds) being the entire consideration for these prese | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing one hundred acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate on the Barony of - - - - (left blank) and County of Kerry. |
60 | A.A.56 | 10th day of March 1917 | Arthur Vincent | John Hilliard | The Lake Hotel | From 1st of january 1917 | to 30th of November 1917 | The sum of £20 to be paid on the 8th of May 1917. And also of the further sum of £15 to be paid on the 4th day of August 1917 (the sums of £20 and £15 making together the sum of £35 (Thirty five pounds) being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Demesne of Muckross known as the field at Carrigafreehane adjacent to Carriglea containing seventeen and a half acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
61 | A.A.57 | 27th day of June 1919 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent0 | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry | From 1st February 1919 | to 30th of November 1919 | The sum of £7 to be paid on the 27th day of June 1919. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on the 11th day of November 1919 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 (Fourteen pounds) being the entire consideration for these pres | That part of the demesne lands of Gearhameen containing one hundred acres statute measureor thereabouts, situate in the Barony of - - - - (left blank) and county of Kerry, |
62 | A.A.59 | Dated - - (Blank) day of December 1920 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1921 | to 30th of November 1921 | The sum of £40 (Forty pounds) to be paid on the first day of November1920 (1920 then crossed out) being the entire consideration for these presents) | That part of the demesne lands of Gearhameen containing 45 acres statute measure or thereabouts, portion of which is situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and the remaining portion in the Barony of Dunkerron South, and also of the lands of Doogary cont |
63 | A.A.58 | 4th day of June 1920 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of May 1920 | to 30th of November 1920 | The sum of £40 (Forty pounds) to be paid on the 30th day of November 1920 (being the entire consideration for these presents) | That part of the demesne lands of Gearhameen containing 45 acres statute measure or thereabouts, portion of which is situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and the remaining portion in the Barony of Dunkerron South, and also of the lands of Doogary cont |
64 | A.A.60 | 24th day of July 1920 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Patrick Dwyer and Daniel Scannell | Both of Gortagullane, Co. Kerry.10 months | From 1st March 1920 | to 31st December 1920 | The sum of £12 (Twelve Pounds) to be paid on the 8th day of October 1920 (being the entire consideration for these presents) | That part of the lands of Gortagullane known as Lacka Wood containing Thirty acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
65 | A.A.61 | 7th day of May 1921 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1921 | to 31st October 1921 | The sum of £40 (Forty pounds) to be paid, being the entire consideration for these presents. | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing 45 acres statute measure or thereabouts, portion of which is situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and the remaining portionin the Barony of Dunkerron South and also of the lands of Doogary contai |
66 | A.A.62 | 23rd day of February 1922 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of January 1922 | to 30th of November 1922 | The sum of £3 (Three pounds) to be paid on the 12th day of November 1922 (being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Tomies known as the field situate west of Tomies Cottage, portion of the Muckross Estate containing three acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
67 | A.A.63 | 7th day of March 1922 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1922 | to 31st October 1922 | The sum of £40 (Forty pounds) to be paid (being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing 45 acres statute measure or thereabouts portion of which is situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and the remaining portion in the Barony of Dunkerron South and also of the lands of Doogary contai |
68 | A.A.64 | 10th day of March 1922 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Patrick Dwyer and Daniel Scannell | Both of Gortagullane, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1922 | to 30th of November 1922 | The sum of £12 (Twelve Pounds) to be paid (being the entire consideration for these presents) | That part of the lands of Gortagullane known as Lacka Wood which was let for grazing to the said Patrick Dwyer and Daniel Scannell for season ended the 30th November 1922, containing thirty acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Ma |
69 | A.A.65 | 18th day of February 1924 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1924 | to 31st October 1924 | The sum of £40 (Forty Pounds) to be paid on the - - (blank) day of - - - - (blank) 19 - - (blank) (being the entire consideration of these presents) | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing 45 acres statute measure or thereabouts portion of which is situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and the remaining portion in the Barony of Dunkerron South and also of the lands of Doogary contai |
70 | A.A.66 | 28th day of March 1925 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1925 | to 31st October 1925 | The sum of £40 (Forty pounds) to be paid on the - - (blank) day of - - - - (blank) 19 - - (blank) (being the entire consideration of these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen, containing 45 acres statute measure or thereabouts portion of which is situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and the remaining portion in the Barony of Dunkerron South and also of the lands of Doogary conta |
71 | A.A.67 | 28th day of March 1925 | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | 1st of January 1925 | to 31st of October 1925 | The sum of £7 (seven pounds) to be paid on the - - (blank) day of - - - - (blank) 19 - - (blank), and also of the further sum of £7 (seven pounds) to be paid on the - - (blank) day of - - - - (blank) 19 - - (blank) (the said sums of £7 (seven pounds) a | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing one hundred acres statute measure or thereabout, situate part in the Barony of Dunkerron North and part in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
72 | A.A.68 | 20th day of February 1926 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1926 | to 30th day November 1926 | The sum of £7 (seven pounds) to be paid on the 1st day of August 1926, and also of the further sum of £7 (seven pounds) to be paid on the - - (blank) day of - - - - (blank) 19 - - (blank) (the said sums of £7 (seven pounds) and £7 (seven pounds) maki | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing one hundred acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and part in the Barony of Dunkerron South, and county of Kerry. |
73 | A.A.69 | 12th day of February 1926 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Pat Dwyer and Dan Scannell | Both of Gortagullane, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1926 | to 30th of November1926 | The sum of £12 (Twelve pounds) to be paid on the 1st day of August 1926, (being the entire consideration of these presents) | That part of the lands of Gortagullane known as Lacka Wood which was let for grazing to the said Pat Dwyer and Dan Scannell for season ended 30th November 1926 (Twenty six), containing Thirty acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of |
74 | A.A.70 | 6th day of February 1926 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | James Counihan | Torc Cottages, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1926 | to 30th of November 1926 | The sum of £2 (Two pounds) to be paid on the 1st day of August 1926, (being the entire consideration of these presents) | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as Torc Cottage Lawn, containing two statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
75 | A.A.71 | 19th day of March 1926 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies, Co. Kerry. | 1st of January 1926 | to 30th November 1926 | The sum of £3 (Three pounds) to be paid on the 30th day of November 1926, (being the entire consideration of these presents). | That part of the lands of Tomies, known as the field situate west of Tomies Cottage, containing four acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
76 | A.A.72 | 28th day of April 1927 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of January 1927 | to 30th of November 1927 | The sum of £3 (Three pounds) to be paid on the 30th day of November 1927, (being the entire consideration of these presents) | That part of the lands of Tomies, known as the field situate west of Tomies Cottage containing Four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
77 | A.A.73 | 3rd day of May 1928 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1928 | to 31st October 1928 | The sum of £40 (Forty pounds) to be paid on the 1st day of August 1928, (being the entire consideration of these presents) | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen, containing 45 acres statute measure or thereabouts portion of which is situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and the remaining portion in the Barony of Dunkerron South and also of the lands of Doogary conta |
78 | A.A.74 | 1st day of January (£) 1928 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Patrick John Lynch | Killeghy Upper, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of January 1928 | to 30th of November 1928. | The sum of £13 (Thirteen pounds) to be paid on the 1st day of November 1928. | That part of the lands of Killeghy Upper - south west of my farm, containing fifty five statute acres, or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
79 | A.A.75 | 5th day of March 1929 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1929 | to 30th of November 1929 | The sum of 33 (Three pounds) to be paid on the 30th day of November 1929. | That part of the lands of Tomies - known as the field situate west of Tomies Cottage, containing Four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
80 | A.A.76 | 11th day of February 1929 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | Fro 1st of January 1929 | to 30th of November 1929 | The sum of £7 (Seven pound) to be paid on the 1st day of August 1929, and also of the further sum of £7 (Seven pound) to be paid on the 1st od October 1929 (the said sums of £7 (Seven pounds) and £7 (Seven pounds) making together the sum of £14 (Fourteen | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing one hundred acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate part in the Barony of Dunkerron North and half in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
81 | A.A.77 | 6th day of February 1930 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1930 | to 31st October 1930 | The sum of £40 (Forty pounds) to be paidon the 1st day of August 1930, (being the entire consideration of these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing 45 acres statute measure or thereabouts portion of which is situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and the remaining portion in the Barony of Dunkerron South and also of the lands of Doogary contai |
82 | A.A.78 | 6th day of February 1930 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1930 | to 30th of November 1930 | The sum of £7 (Seven pounds) to be paid on the 1st day of August 1930, and also of the further sum of £7 (Seven pounds) to be paid on the 1st day of October 1930 (the said sumes of £7 (Seven pounds) and £7 (Seven pounds) making together the sum of £14 (F | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing one hundred acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate part in the Barony of Dunkerron North and part in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
83 | A.A.79 | 27th February 1931 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | James Counihan | Torc Cottages, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1931 | to 30th of November 1931 | The sum of £2 (Two pounds) to be paid on the 1st day of August 1931. | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as Torc Cottage lawn, containing Two statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
84 | A.A.80 | 17th day of January 1932 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen, Co. Kerry. | From 1st January 1932 | to 30th of November 1932 | The sum of £7 (Seven pounds) to be paid on the 1st day of August 1932, and also of the further sum of £7 (Seven pounds) to be paid on the 1st day of October 1932 (the said sums of £7 (Seven pounds) and £7 (Seven pounds) making together the sum of £14 (Fo | That part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing one hundred acres statute measure ot thereabouts, situate part in the Barony of Dunkerron North and part in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
85 | G.A.2 | Dated this 29th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Robert E. Tangney | Gearhameen | From 1st March 1900 | to 1st of February 1901 | The sum of £7 (Seven pounds) to be paid on or before the 4th July next. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on or before the first day of November next (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 being the entire consideration for | That part of the Demesne Lands of Gearhameen containing Forty acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
86 | G.A.3 | Dated this 22nd day of June 1900 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Neill | Muckross | From 1st of March 1900 | to 1st February 1901 | The sum of £15 to be paid on or before the first day of August next. And also of the further sum of £15 to be paid on or before the first day of February next making together the sum of £30 being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross bounded by the sunk fence from Shanahar Gate to end of said fence near Muckross garden and from the last mentioned end of said sunk fence to the gate on the Demesne Avenue near Clergyman's House, by a wire fence |
87 | G.A.4 | Dated this 9th day of July 1900 | The Right Hon.. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | James Counihan | Torc | From 1st march 1900 | to 1st February 1901 | The sum of £2 (Two pounds) to be paid on the eight day of August next, being the entire comsideration for these presents. | That part of the Muckross Demesne known as Torc Cottage lawn containing two acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
88 | G.A.5 | Dated this 25th day of February 1902 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Robert E. Tangney | Gearhameen | From 25th February 1902 | to 31st of December 1902 | The sum of £7 to be paid on or before the 30th of April 1902. And also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on or before the 7th day of October 1902 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 being the entire consideration for these Present | That part of the Demesne Lands of Gearhameen containing Forty acres or thereabouts,situate in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
89 | G.A.6 | Dated this 6th day of March 1902 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Neill | Muckross, Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st March 1902 | to 1st of February 1903 | The sum of £15 to be paid on or before the 1st of May 1902. And also of the further sum of £15 (Fifteen pounds) to be paid on or before the first day of November 1902 (the said sums of £15 and £15 making together the sum of £30 (Thirty pounds) being the e | That part of the Muckross Demesne lands bounded by a wire fence from sunk fence near garden to old farmyard gate and from said gate by wire fence to Shanahar gate and by sunk fence at foot of Green Hills and also the two fields in West Muckross, |
90 | G.A.7 | Dated this 5th day of March 1902 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | James Counihan | Torc | From 1st of February 1902 | to 31st of December 1902 | The sum of £2 (Two pounds) to be paid on or before the first day of August 1902 (being the entire consideration for these Presents). | That part of the Muckross Demesne known as Torc Cottage Lawn containing two acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
91 | G.A.8 | Dated this 4th day of March 1902 | The Right Honourable Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Timothy Cremin | N.A. | From 1st March 1902 | to 1st February 1903 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 7th October 1902. And also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 31st day of December 1902 (the said sums of £3 (Three pounds) and £3 (Three pounds) making together the sum of £6 (six pounds) being | That part of the Lands of Gortadirra containing Twenty four acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
92 | G.A.9 | Dated this 1st day of March 1902 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies Cottage | From 1st March 1902 | to 1st December 1902 | The sum of three pounds (Three pounds) to be paid on or before the 11th August 1902, being the entire consideration for these presents. | That part of the lands of Tomies containing four acres or thereabouts, being the field situate at the western side of Tomies Cottage, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry, |
93 | G.A.10 | Dated this 26th day of March 1903 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Robert E. Tangney | Gearhameen | From 26th March 1903 | to 31st December 1903 | The sum of £7 to be paid on or before the 30th April 1903. And also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 7th day of October 1903 | That part of the Demesne Lands of Gearhameen containing Forty acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
94 | G.A.11 | Dated this 4th day of April 1903 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Timothy Cremin | Gortadirra | From 1st April 1903 | to 1st February 1904 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 7th October 1903. And also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 31st day of December 1903 (the said sums of £3 and £3 making together the sum of £6 being the entire consideration for these presents | Part of the Lands of Gortadirra |
95 | G.A.12 | Dated this 23rd day of March 1903 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | James Counihan | Torc | From 23rd March 1903 | to 31st December 1903 | The sum of £2 (Two pounds) to be paid on or before the first day of August 1903, being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Muckross Demesne known as Torc Cottage lawn containing two statute acres or thereabouts situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
96 | G.A.13 | Dated this 21st day of March 1903 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies Cottage | From 21st March 1903 | to 1st December 1903. | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 11th day of August 1903. | The lands of Tomies being the field situate at the southwestern of Tomies Cottage containing four acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
97 | G.A.14 | Dated this 27th day of April 1904 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Denis Cremin | Cloghereen Lower, (Car driver) | From 1st May 1904 | to 31st December 1904 | The sum of £21 paid being the entire consideration for these presents. | That part of the Muckross Demesne lands known as the Quarry field and Bog field containing sixteen acres or thereabouts, situate in the barony of magonihy (magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
98 | G.A.15 | Dated this 25th day of April 1904 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Thomas Greany | Muckross, Co. Kerry | From 1st May 1904 | to 1st February 1905 | The sum of £15 to be paid on or before the 1st day of May 1904, and also of the further sum of £15 to be paid on or before the first day of November 1904 (the said sums of £15 and £15 making together the sum of £30 being the entire consideration fro these | That part of the Muckross Demesne lands bounded by a wire fence from sunk fence near garden to old farm yard and from said gate by wire fence to Shanahar gate and by sunk fence at foot of Greenhills and also the two fields in west Muckross containing fort |
99 | G.A.16 | Dated this 27th day of February 1904 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies Cottage | From 1st March 1904 | to 31st of December 1904 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the first day of August 1904. | That part of the lands of Tomies being the field situate at the southwestern side of Tomies Cottage containing four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
100 | G.A.17 | Dated this 27th day of February 1904 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | James Counihan | Torc | From 1st March 1904 | to 31st January 1905 | The sum of £2 to be paid on or before the 8th day of August 1904 (being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Muckross Demesne known as Torc Cottage lawn containing two statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
101 | G.A.18 | Dated this 25th day of February 1904 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Robert E. Tangney | Gearhameen | From 1st of March 1904 | to 31st January 1905 | The sum of £7 to be paid on or before the 30th April 1904, and also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on or before the 7th day of October 1904 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 being the entire consideration for these presents). | that part of the Demesne lands of gearhameen containing forty statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
102 | G.A.19 | Dated this 25th day of April 1904 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John P. Courtney | Gortromakiery | From 1st of May 1904 | to 31st of December 1904 | The sum of £25 paid, and also of the further sum of £25 to be paid on or before the first day of November 1904 (the said sums of £25 and £25 making together the sum of £, being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Muckross Demesne known as Torc Field, Spring field, Bushfield, the Bog Field and Droumrower containing nintynine acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
103 | G.A.20 | Dated this 2nd day of July 1904 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Timothy Cremin | Gortadirra | From 1st April 1904 | to 31st December 1904 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 7th of October 1904, and also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 31st day of December 1904 (the said sums of £3 and £3 making together the sum of £6 being the entire consideration for these Prese | That part of the lands of Gortdirra containing twenty four acres or thereabouts, situate in the barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
104 | G.A.21 | Dated this 25th day of April 1904 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardialun | John Lyne (Farmer and Cattledealer) | Faughnera Muckross, Co. Kerry | From 1st May 1904 | to 31st December 1904 | The sum of £38 paid, and also of the further sum of £38 to be paid on or before the 1st day of November 1904 (the said sums of £38 and £38 making together the sum of £76 being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Muckross demesne lands known as Carrigafreehane situate at the eastern side of the Killarney Road containing Thirtyeight and a half statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
105 | G.A.22 | Dated this 11th day of February 1905 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Timothy Cremin | N.A. | From 1st March 1905 | to 31st December 1905 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 7th October 1905, and also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 28th day of November 1905. | That part of the lands of Gortadirra (Tomies) containing 24 acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
106 | G.A.23 | Dated this 4th day of May 1905 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Ardilaun | Robert E. Tangney | Gearhameen | From 1st of March 1905 | to 31st December 1906 | The sum of £7 to be paid on or before the 8th May 1905, and also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on or before the 7th day of October 1905 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 being the entire considertaion for these presents) | That part of the lands of Gearhameen known as Gearhameen Demesne containing forty statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
107 | G.A.24 | Dated this 8th day of May 1905 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan (caretaker) | Tomies | From 1st of April 1905 | to 31st of December 1905 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the first day of August 1905 (being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the lands of Tomies west, known as the field adjoining Tomies Cottage at the western side containing four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
108 | G.A.25 | Dated this 21st day of January 1905 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Doyle (caretaker) | Torc Lodge | From 1st of February 1905 | to 31st December 1905 | The sum of £2 to be paid on or before the 8th day of August 1905, the said sum of two pounds being the entire consideration for these presents. | That part of the Muckross Demesne known as Torc Cottage lawn containing two statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
109 | G.A.26 | Dated this 25th day of February 1905 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edwards Baron Ardilaun | Patrick Coakley (butcher and cattle dealer) | Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st April 1905 | to 31st December 1905 | The sum of £38.10.0 (thirtyeight pounds ten shillings) paid (the receipt thereof is whereof is hereby acknowledged), and also of the further sum of £38.10.0 to be paid on or before the 30th day of September 1905 (the said sums of £38.10.0 and £38.10.0 mak | That part of the Muckross Demesne lands known as Carrigafreehane, situate at the eastern side of the Killarney Road, containing thirtyeight and a half statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
110 | G.A.27 | Dated this 23rd day of January 1905 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Thomas Greany | Muckross, Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st March 1905 | to 1st February 1906 | The sum of £15 to be paid on or before the 1st day of May 1905, and also of the further sum of £15 to be paid on or before the 1st day of November 1905 (the said sums of £15 and £15 making together the sum of £30 being the entire consideration for these p | That part of the Muckross Demesne lands bounded by a wire fence from sunk fence near garden to old farm yard and from said gate by wire fence to Shanahar gate and by sunk fence at foot of Green Hills and also the two fields in west Muckross |
111 | G.A.28 | Dated this 24th day of January 1905 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John P. Courtney (cattledealer) | Gortdromakiery, Co. Kerry | From first of February 1905 | to 31st December 1905 | The sum of £25 to be paid on or before the 1st March 1905, and also of the further sum of £25 to be paid on or before the 11th day of November 1905 (the said sums of £25 and £25 making together the sum of £ being the entire consideration for these prese | That part of the Muckross Demesne known as Torc Field, Springfield, Bush Field, the Bogfield and Dromrower containing nintynine acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
112 | G.A.29 | Dated this 8th day of February 1905 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Denis Cremin (cardriver) | Cloghereen Lower | From 1st March 1905 | to 31st December 1905 | The sum of £20 on the execution of these presents paid, (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Muckross Demesne lands known as the Quarry field and Bog field containing sixteen acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
113 | G.A.30 | Dated this 20th day of February 1906 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John P. Courtney | Gortromakiery, Co. Kerry. | From 1st February 1906 | to 31st December 1906 | The sum of £ to be paid on or before the 1st March 1906, and also of the further sum of £25 to be paid on or before the 11th day of November 1906 (the said sums of £25 and £25 making together the sum of £ being the entire consideration for these prese | That part of the Muckross Demesne known as Torc field, Springfield, Bush field, the Bog field, and Dromrower containing nintynine statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
114 | G.A.31 | Dated this 28th day of February 1906 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan (caretaker) | Tomies | From 1st of April 1906 | to 31st of December 1906 | the sum of 33 to be paid on or before the first day of August 1906 (being the entire consideration for these presents) | That part of the lands of Tomies West known as the field adjoining Tomies Cottage at the western side, containing four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
115 | G.A.32 | Dated this 23rd day of February 1906 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Robert E. Tangney | Gearhameen | From 1st March 1906 | to 31st of December 1906 | The sum of £7 to be paid on or before the 8th May 1906, and also of the further sum of £7 to be paid on or before the seventh day of October 1906 (the said sums of £7 and £7 making together the sum of £14 being the entire consideration for these presents) | That part of the lands of Gearhameen Demesne containing forty statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron South and County of Kerry. |
116 | G.A.33 | Dated this 8th day of March 1906 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Thomas Higgins (cattledealer) | 50 Nelson Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry. | From 1st of March 1906 | to 1st February 1907 | The sum of £10.0.0 on the execution of these presents paid to the said Baron Ardilaun or his agent (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), and also of the further sum of £10.0.0 to be paid on the 1st day of September 1906 (the said sums of £10.0.0 a | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as the Quarry and Bog fields containing sixteen acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
117 | G.A.34 | Dated this 17th day of February 1906 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Doyle (caretaker) | Torc Lodge | From 1st February 1906 | to 31st December 1906 | The sum of £2 to be paid on or before the eighth day of August 1906 (being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the Muckross Demesne known as lands of Torc Cottage Lawn, containing two statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
118 | G.A.35 | Dated this 22nd day of January 1906 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Thos. Greany | Muckross, Killarney, Co. Kerry. | From 1st March 1906 | to 1st February 1907 | The sum of £10 to be paid on or before the 1st March 1906, and also of the further sum of £10 to be paid on or before the 1st day of August 1906. | That part of the Muckross Demesne lands bounded by a wire fence from sunk fence near garden to old farmyard gate and from said gate by wire fence to Shanahar gate and thence by sunk fence at foot of Green Hills, containing fifteen acres or thereabouts, si |
119 | G.A.36 | Dated this 17th day of February 1906 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Timothy Cremin | Gortadirra | From 1st March 1906 | to 31st December 1906 | The sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 2nd June 1906, and also of the further sum of £3 to be paid on or before the 11th day of November 1906 (the said sums of £3 and £3 making together the sum of £6 being the entire consideration for these presents). | That part of the lands of Gortadirra (Tomies) containing twentyfour acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry. |
120 | G.A.37 | Dated this 17th day of February 1906 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Patrick Coakley (butcher and cattledealer) | Killarney | From 1st April 1906 | to 31st of December 1906 | The sum of £38.10.0 to be paid on or before the 31st March 1906, and also of the further sum of £38.10.0 to be paid on or before the 30th day of September 1906 (the said sums of £38.10.0 and £38.10.0 making together the sum of £77 being the entire conside | That part of the Muckross Demesne lands known as Carrigafreehane situate at the eastern side of the Killarney road, containing thirtyeight and a half statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
122 | G.A.39 | Undated ( presumably covering 1923) | Arthur R. Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | John Lyne | Faugh, Killarney | N.A. (remarks) | Until 1st of January 1924 (see remarks) | The sum of £27 to be paid on a date not recorded. | That part of the Demsne lands of Muckross known as Torc Field and Bog Field, containing 30 acres and 17 acres respectively or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
123 | G.A.42 | Dated the 28th day of May 1931 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Denis Courtney | Flesk, Killarney | From 1st April 1931 | to 28th February 1932 | The sum of fifty pounds (£50.0.0) to be paid, twenty-five pounds to be paid on the 1st day of April 1931 and the balance twenty-five pounds (£25.0.0)to be paid on the expiration of this agreement (28th February, 1932). | Those parts of the Townland of Torc known as Torc Field containing about thirty acres. |
124 | G.A.40 | Dated the 4th day of April 1928 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Denis Courtney | Flesk, Killarney. | From 1st April 1928 | to 28th February 1929 | The sum of Fifty pounds (£50.0.0) to be paid for said grazing, twenty-five (£25.0.0) to be paid on the 1st day of April 1928 and the balance, twenty-five pounds (£25.0.0) to be paid on the expiration of this Agreement, (28th day of February 1929). | Those parts of the townland of Torc known as Torc Field containing about thirty acres . |
125 | G.A.41 | Dated the 12th day of march 1929 | Arthur Ros Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | Denis Courtney | Muckross, Killarney | From 1st April 1929 | to 28th February 1930 | The sum of fifty pounds (£50.0.0) to be paid on the 1st day of April 1929 and the balance, twenty-five pounds (£25.0.0) to be paid on the expiration of this Agreement. | Those parts of the townland of Torc known as Torc Field, containing about thirty acres. |
126 | G.A.43 | Dated 2nd day of November 1927 | Arthur Rose Vincent (Arthur Vincent) | John Lyne | Cools, Muckross, Killarney. | The season ending 1st February 1928 | The season ending 1st February 1928 | The sum of £20 for the Two Abbey Fields and the Mines Field.,the sum of £14 for Carrigafreahane No. 1 and Carrigafreehand No. 3 and the sum of £11 for Muckross Lawn. Total sum being £45 pounds to be paid on or before 1st day of January 1928. | Those parts of the townlands of Muckross known as The Two Abbey Fields and The Mines, Carrigafreehane Number 1 and Carrigafreehane Number 3, Seven acres in No. 1 and 11 acres in No. 3 and Muckross Lawn. |
127 | C.R.A.2 | Dated 29th day of March 1902 | The Rt. Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Connell | Gortagullane, Co. Kerry. | N.A. | N.A. | The said John Connell agrees to take all that and those the slated cottage at Gortahoonig formerly occupied by William Slator, in the Parish of Killarney, Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry as tenant from week to week at the weekly rent of | N.A. |
128 | C.R.A.1 | Dated 14th day of July 1905 | Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Martin Shea (coachman and gardener) | Cloghereen Lower | Commencing Sat. 15th July 1905 | Commencing Sat. 15th July 1905 | The said Martin Shea agrees to take the cottage(one of a block of six cottages) with garden at rear of said cottage lately in the occupation of the widow Margaret Doody, situate at Gortahoonig in the Parish of Killarney Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and C | N.A. |
129 | C.R.A.3 | Dated 20th Oct 1904 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Kenny (farm labourer) | Cloghereen Lower, Co. Kerry. | From Sat. 1st day of October 1904 | N.A. | The said Michael Kenny agrees to take all that and those the slated cottage at Cloghereen Lower on the Mangerton Road side (being one of a block of six cottages) , formerly occupied by the said Michael Kenny situate in the parish of Killarney and County o | N.A. |
130 | C.R.A.4 | Dated 18th May 1908 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Ellen Cronin | Dromyrourke | Commencing on the 16th day of May 1908 | N.A. | The said Ellen Cronin agrees to take all that and those the slated cottage at Gortahoonig (being one of a block of six cottages) formerly occupied by John Gearon situate in the Parish of Killarney and County of Kerry as Tenant from week to week at the wee | N.A. |
131 | C.R.A.5 | 14th day of November 1910 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Patrick Connell (fisherman and hatchery attendant) | St. Anne's, Clontarf, Co. Dublin. | To commence on the 14th day of November 1910 | N.A. | The said Patrick Connell agrees to take all that and those the slated cottage at Carrigafreehane formerly occupied by the widow Margaret Maguire in the parish of Killarney and County of Kerry as Tenant from week to week at the weekly rent of one shilling | N.A. |
132 | C.A.1 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Shea | Gortahoonig, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby caknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
133 | C.A.2 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Eugene Tangney | Muckross Td. Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
134 | C.A.3 | Dated 7th day of May 1910 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Frederic Crooks, James Crooks, and William Crooks | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | We James Crooks and William H. Crooks and Frederic Crooks do hereby acknowledge that the portion of Cart House, pointed out by Thos. Greany to our steward,that we now occupy on the townland of Droumyrourk in the Parish of Killarney in the Barony of Magoni | N.A. |
135 | C.A.4 | Dated this 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Margaret Maguire | Carrigafreehane, Killarney Ph, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises (premises is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby ackno | N.A. |
136 | C.A.5 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | James Coakley | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said house and premises (and premises is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I further hereby acknow | N.A, |
137 | C.A.6 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Daniel Healy | Muckross Garden, Muckross, Killarney. | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and Premises (and premises is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby a | N.A. |
138 | C.A.7 | Dated 9th day of July 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Mary Cremin and Timothy Cremin | Gortadirra | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
139 | C.A.8 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Doody | Droumyrourk | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
140 | C.A.9 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | James Gleeson | Dromyrourk | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises (and premises is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby a | N.A. |
141 | C.A.10 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Doody | Muckross, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House (see remarks) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and | N.A. |
142 | C.A.11 | Dated 19 day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Dwyer | Dinis Island, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
143 | C.A.12 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Looney | Killegy Lower, Killarney Ph, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
144 | C.A.13 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Edward Baron Ardilaun | Denis Doody | Droumrourk | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I further hereby ackn | N.A. |
145 | C.A.14 | Dated 19 day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Mary Gearon | Cloghereen Lower | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
146 | C.A.15 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Murhill | Muckross, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
147 | C.A.16 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | James Watters | Gearhameen Td. Knockane Ph., Dunkerron South. | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" in handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no ither capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
148 | C.A.17 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | William Hamilton Slator | Muckross, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House ("and Premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge | N.A. |
149 | C.A.18 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Doyle | Gortdirraree, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said house and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I further hereby ackn | N.A. |
150 | C.A.19 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Anne Mulligan and Patrick Mulligan | Droumyrourk Td., Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | We hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward baron Ardilaun as caretakers for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and we also further here | N.A. |
151 | C.A.20 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward baron Ardilaun | John Doody | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furmiture, my | N.A. |
152 | C.A.21 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Neill | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
153 | C.A.22 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Denis Cremin | Cloghereen Lower Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
154 | C.A.23 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Maurice Moriarty | Carrigafreehane, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
155 | C.A.24 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Kenny | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and Premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
156 | C.A.25 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Denis Connor | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
157 | C.A.26 | Dated 30th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Johanna Counihan and John Counihan | GortahoonigTd. Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said house during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my prop | N.A. |
158 | C.A.27 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Daniel Falvey | Droumyrourk Td. Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
159 | C.A.28 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Connor | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
160 | C.A.29 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Lyne | Carrigafreehane, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
161 | C.A.30 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Margaret Doody | Gortahoonig | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
162 | C.A.31 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Patrick Leahy | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
163 | C.A.32 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Patrick Dunne | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
164 | C.A.33 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Patrick Morrell (Murhill) | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Artur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
165 | C.A.34 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Neill | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
166 | C.A.35 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Patrick Dunne | Droumyrourk | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said Blacksmiths Forge and Premises during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that th | N.A. |
167 | C.A.36 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Kate Doody | Carrigafreehane, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
168 | C.A.37 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arhtur Edward Baron Ardilaun | James Counihan | Torc Td, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said house and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
169 | C.A.38 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Doyle | Torc Td. Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge |
170 | C.A.39 | Dated 19th day of June | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Thomas Elliott | Droumyrourk | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edwards Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereb | N.A. |
171 | C.A.40 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Chisholm | Rossnahowgarry Td. Killarney Ph. Magonihy Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge | N.A. |
172 | C.A.41 | Dated 19th day of June 1900 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Jeremiah Connor | Gortahoonig Td, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and premises ("and premises" is handwritten) during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby | N.A. |
173 | C.A.42 | Dated 31st day of October 1901 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Counihan | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no pther capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
174 | C.A.43 | 22nd day of January 1901 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies Cottage Tomies, Aghadoe Ph. Dunkerron North | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
175 | C.A.44 | Dated 10th day of January 1903 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Guerin | Gortahoonig Td. Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
176 | C.A.45 | Dated 20th day of May 1904 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | James Reid | Droumyrourk Td. Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
177 | C.A.46 | Dated 24th day of May 1904 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | James Counihan | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my prop | N.A. |
178 | C.A.47 | Dated 5th day of July 1906 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Patrick Leahy | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
179 | C.A.48 | Dated 8th day of February 1908 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Gearon | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my | N.A. |
180 | C.A.50 | Dated 8th day of February 1909 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Michael Hyde | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House and portion of said cartshed during the will and pleasure of the Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge tha | N.A. |
181 | C.A.49 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | John Connor | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
182 | C.A.51 | Dated 1st day of August 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Timothy Cremin | Torc, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn, Esquire, as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever; and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture my property, in said | N.A. |
183 | C.A.52 | Dated 1st day of August 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John Cullinane | Torc, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A |
184 | C.A.53 | Dated 1st Day of August 1913 (see remarks) | William Bowers Bourn | Cornelius Dooling | Torc, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn, Esquire, as a Caretaker for him and in noother capacity whatsoever; and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture my property, in said H | N.A. |
185 | C.A.54 | Dated day of August 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Jeremiah McElligott | Torc, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers, Bourn, Esquire, as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever; and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture my property, in said | N.A. |
186 | C.A.55 | Dated 1st day of August 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Timothy Lyne | Torc, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn, Esquire, as a caretaker for him and in no othere capacity whatsoever; and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture my property, in said | N.A. |
187 | C.A.56 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Michael Doody | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
188 | C.A.57 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Maurice Moriarty | Carrigafreehane, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
189 | C.A.58 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Patrick Mulligan | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
190 | C.A.59 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Denis Connor | Droumrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
191 | C.A.60 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Patrick Leahy | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
192 | C.A.61 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Michael Kenny | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
193 | C.A.62 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Michael Shea | Gortahoonig, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
194 | C.A.63 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | John Doody | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
195 | C.A.64 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Michael Doyle | Torc, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
196 | C.A.65 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | James Egan | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
197 | C.A.66 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | John O'Connor | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
198 | C.A.67 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | John Healy | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
199 | C.A.68 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | James Coakley | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
200 | C.A.69 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | John Dwyer | Dinish Island | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
201 | C.A.70 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies East, Aghadoe Ph. Dunkerron North | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
202 | C.A.71 | Dated 24th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | John George | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
203 | C.A.72 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Timothy Cremin | Gortadirra (Tomies), Aghadoe Ph. Dunkerron North. | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
204 | C.A.73 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Jeremiah Lyne | Carrigafreehane, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
205 | C.A.74 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | John Counihan | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
206 | C.A.75 | Dated the 18th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | John Murhill | Muckross, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
207 | C.A.76 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Jeremiah Gearon (Guerin £) | Cloghereen Lower Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H |
208 | C.A.77 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | James Glissane (Gleeson£) | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said House, | N.A. |
209 | C.A.78 | Dated 18th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | William Stark | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
210 | C.A.79 | Dated 18th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Eugene Tangney | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
211 | C.A.80 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | James Counihan | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said five rooms, portion of Muckross Farm Buildings during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the go | N.A. |
212 | C.A.81 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Denis Cremin | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
213 | C.A.82 | Dated 16th day of August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | Kate Doody | Carrigafreehane, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn Esquire as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever, and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture, my property, in said H | N.A. |
214 | C.A.83 | Dated 10th day of January 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John Casey | Gortadirra, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | I hereby undertake to occupy the said House during the will and pleasure of William Bowers Bourn, Esquire, as a Caretaker for him and in no other capacity whatsoever; and I also further hereby acknowledge that the goods and furniture my property, in said | N.A. |
215 | C.A.84 | 1st November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Denis Doody | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See word processor, Estate8 | N.A. |
216 | C.A.85 | Dated 4th day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Martin Shea | Gortahoonig, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8. | N.A. |
217 | C.A.86 | Dated 4th November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John George | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (See word processor) | N.A. |
218 | C.A.87 | Dated 8th day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John P. Courtney | Muckross, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
219 | C.A.88 | Dated this 1st day of November 1913 (£) | William Bowers Bourn | John Cullinane | Torc, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
220 | C.A.89 | Dated 1st day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Cornelius Dooling | Torc, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (See word processor) | N.A. |
221 | C.A.90 | Dated 8th day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies East, Aghadoe Ph. Dunkerron North | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
222 | C.A.91 | Dated 10th day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Kate Coakley | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
223 | C.A.92 | Dated 12th day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Patrick Cox | Gearhameen, Knockane Ph. Dunkerron South | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
224 | C.A.93 | Dated 13th day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | James Egan | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
225 | C.A.94 | Dated 3rd day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John Dwyer | Dinish Island, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
226 | C.A.95 | Dated 3rd day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Patrick Lynch. | Torc, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
227 | C.A.96 | Dated this 4th day of November 1913. | William Bowers Bourn | Maurice Moriarty | Carrigafreehane, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
228 | C.A.97 | Dated 1st day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | James Counihan | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
229 | C.A.98 | Dated 4th day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John Casey | Gortadirra, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
230 | C.A.99 | 1st day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John Connor (John O' Connor £) | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy)N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (See word processor) | N.A. |
231 | C.A.100 | 1st day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Jeremiah McElligott | Torc, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
232 | C.A.101 | Dated 31st day of October 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Walter Chandler | Muckross, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
233 | C.A.102 | Dated this 31st day of October 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Cornelius Cronin | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy). | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
234 | C.A.103 | Dated this 12th day of December 1913. | Willaim Bowers Bourn | Denis Cremin | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
235 | C.A.104 | Dated 12th day of December 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John Connor | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
236 | C.A.105 | Dated 17th day of December 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John Murhill | Muckross, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
237 | C.A.106 | Dated 12th day of December 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | William Stark | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
238 | C.A.107 | Dated 13th day of December 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Michael Doody | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | Muckross Estate |
239 | C.A.108 | dated 10th day of December 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Lawrence Nelson | Muckross, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
240 | C.A.109 | Dated 10th day of December 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John Counihan | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
241 | C.A.110 | Dated the 3rd day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Angus McLeod | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
242 | C.A.111 | Dated 1st day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Denis Connor | Droumyrourk, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
243 | C.A.112 | Dated this 4th day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Jeremiah Guerin (Gearon) | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
244 | C.A.113 | Dated 7th day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Michael Lyne | Carrigafreehane, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
245 | C.A.114 | Dated the 1st day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Michael Kenny (see remarks) | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
246 | C.A.115 | Dated this 1st day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | James Coakley | Gortahoonig, Killarney Ph. Magonihy (Magunihy) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N.A. |
247 | C.A.116 | 3 November 1899 | Henry A.K. Herbert | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies Cottage, Dunkerron North | N. A. | N. A. | The House known as Tomies Cottage in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of kerry which I now occupy, I occupy as caretaker for Henry A.K. Herbert and I further acknowledge that I am to occupy the same Premises during the will and pleasure only of th | N. A. |
248 | C.A.117 | 11 July 1900 | H.A.K. Herbert | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies, Barony of Dunkerron | N. A. | N. A. | The House and premises that I now occupy on the Townland of Tomies in the Parish of Aghadoe and Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry I occupy as caretaker thereof for H.A.K. Herbert of Dinish Island, Kenmare | N. A. |
250 | G.A.1 | 29th April 1896 | H.A.K. Herbert | Timothy Cremin | Gortadirra, Tomies | Presumably 29 April | 29 September 1896 | The sum of 33 to be paid for the liberty of Grazing the same and Pasturin Cattle thereon only, and not by way of a Letting or Tenancy | that part of the Townland of Gortadirra in the possession of said H.A.K. Herbert in the County of Kerry, Esquire, containing 24 acres and 23 perches |
251 | C.A.143 | 14th day of March 1931 | Mr. Vincent | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen | 1st January 1931 | 31st October 1931 | N. A. | Townland of Doogary containing about 1,800 acres and also a part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing about 45 acres statute measure. |
253 | C.A.118 | 4th day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | John Doody | Cloghereen Lower, Parish of Killarney, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N. A. |
254 | C.A.119 | 4th November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Michael Doody | Muckross, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N. A. |
255 | C,A.120 | 1st November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | James Gleeson | Droumyrourk, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
256 | C.A.121 | 4 November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Kate Doody | Carrigafreehane, Killarney, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. |
257 | C.A.122 | 4 November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Patrick Leahy | Droumyrourk, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. |
258 | C.A.122 | 4 November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Patrick Leahy | Droumyrourk, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see word processor) | N. A. |
259 | C.A.123 | 31 October 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Eugene Tangney | Rossnahowgarry, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
260 | C.A.124 | 1st November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Timothy Lyne | Torc, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
261 | C.A.125 | 1st day of November 1913 | William Bowers Bourn | Michael Connor | Torc, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. |
262 | C.A.126 | 10th July 1917 | Arthur Vincent | Patrick Cox | Gearhameen, Knockane Parish, Dunkerron South | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
263 | C.A.127 | 14th July 1917 | Arthur Vincent | John Casey | Gortadirra, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
264 | C.A.128 | 18 July 1917 | Arthur Vincent | Kate Doody | Carrigafreehane, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
265 | C.A.129 | 27 April 1917 | Arthur Vincent | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies East, Aghadoe Parish, Dunkerron North | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. |
266 | C.A.130 | 7 July 1917 | Arthur Vincent | Jeremiah Gearon (Guerin) | Droumyrourk, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. |
267 | C.A.131 | 11 August 1917 | Arthur Vincent | Denis Connor | Droumyrourk | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
268 | C.A.132 | 14 December 1920 | Arthur Vincent | Margaret Sullivan, Michael Sullivan, Daniel Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, Jeremiah Sullivan | Tomies, Aghadoe Parish, Dunkerron North | N. A. | N. A. | See remarks | N. A. |
269 | C.A.133 | August 1920 | Arthur Vincent | Norah Egan | Torc, Killarney, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
270 | C.A.134 | 7 May 1921 | Mr.Vincent | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen | 1 January 1921 | 31 October 1921 | See remarks | Townland of Doogary containing about 1800 acres, also part og the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing about 45 acres statute measure, all in the Upper Lake District of the Muckross Estate. |
271 | C.A.135 | 4th April 1922 | Arthur Vincent | Cornelius Murphy | Droumyrourke, Killarney, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
272 | C. A.136 | 20 March 1922 | Arthur Vinvent | James Egan | Torc, Killarney, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
273 | C.A.137 | 4 April 1922 | Arthur Vincent | Jeremiah Lyne | Carrigafreehane, Killarney, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. | N. A. |
274 | C.A.138 | 10 February 1924 | Mr. Vincent | Michael Tangney | Gearhameen | 1st January 1924 | 31st October 1924 | See remarks | Townland of Doogary containing about 1800 acres and also a part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing about 45 acres statute measure, all in the Upper lake District of the Muckross Estate. |
275 | C.A.139 | 26th May 1927 | Arthur Vincent | Patrick Cox | Torc, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
276 | C.A.140 | 22 July 1930 | Arthur Vincent | Mary Doody | Cloghereen Lower, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
277 | C.A.141 | N. A. | William Bowers Bourn | John Connor | Droumyrourk, Killarney Parish, Magonihy (Magunihy) | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
278 | C.A.142 | 12th December 1902 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Maurice Moriarty | Front Lodge at Muckross | N. A. | N. A. | See remarks | N. A. |
279 | C.A.144 | 7th March 1901 | The Right Hon. Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | John Neill | Muckross, Killarney | N. A. | N. A. | See Estate11 (see wordprocessor) | N. A. |
281 | C.A.145 | 4th June 1920 | Mr Vincent | Michael Tangney | N.A. | 1st May 1920 (£) | 30th November 1920 | In return for grazing rights, see remarks. | The Townland of Doogary containing about 1800 acres and also of part of the Demesne lands of Gearhameen containing about 45 acres statute measure, all in the Upper Lake Disdtrict of the Muckross Estate. |
282 | C.A.146 | 16th August 1911 | William Bowers Bourn | James Watters | Gearhameen, Knockane Parish, Dunkerron South | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N.A. |
283 | A.A.81 | 1st day of October 1914 | William Bowers Bourn | John Hilliard | The Lake Hotel (Killarney) County Kerry | 1st October 1914 | 31st December 1914 | The sum of £12 10 shillings to be paid to the said William Bowers Bourn or his agents on the 15th day of December 1914 | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as Lackareigh or the Green Hill field |
284 | A.A.82 | 7th February 1917 | Arthur Vincent (Arthur Rose Vincent) | John P. Courtney (Cattledealer) | Muckross Old Farm Yard | 1st January 1917 | 30th November 1917 | The sum of £20 to be paid to the said Arthur Vincent or his agents on the 2nd day of April 1917. And also of the further sum of £17 to be paid on the 11th day of August 1917 (the said sums of £20 and £17 making together the sum of £37 being the entire con | That part of the Demesne lands of Muckross, known as Torc Field containing fifty acres statute measure or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry. |
286 | A.C.2 | 22nd May 1933 | The Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland | Daniel Sullivan | Tomies, County Kerry | 1st January 1933 | 30th November 1933 | The sum of Three pounds (£3) to be paid to the Commissioners or their agents, on the 30th day of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three | All that and those that part of the lands of Tomies, known as the field situate west of Tomies Cottage containing four statute acres or thereabouts, situate in the Barony of Dunkerron North and County of Kerry |
287 | A.C.1 | 22nd May 1933 | The Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland | James Counihan | Torc Cottage, County Kerry | 1st January 1933 | 30th November 1933 | The sum of two pounds (2) to be paid to the Commissioners or their agents on the first day of August, one thousand nine hundred aand thirty-three | All that and those that part of the Demesne lands of Muckross known as Torc Cottage Lawn containing two statute acres or thereabouts situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and county of Kerry |
288 | C.A.147 | N.A. | N. A. | John Casey | Gortdirraree (Gortadirra) | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | N.A. |
289 | C.A.148 | N.A. | N.A. | Jeremiah McElligott | Torc, Killarney, | N.A. | N.A. | See Estate8 (see wordprocessor) | Torc |
290 | A.A.83 | 7th March 1901 | The Right Hon.Arthur Edward Baron Ardilaun | Mr. John Neill | Muckross, Killarney | 1st March 1901 | 1st February 1902 | In consideration of the sum of £75 paid by the said Occupier to the said Owner or his agent on or before the first day of July next and of the further sum of £75 to be paid on or before the first day of January one thousand nine hundred and two the said r | The grass on all that and those that part of the demesne lands of Muckross containing about two hundred and fifty statute acres or thereabouts be the same more or less situate in the Barony of Magonihy (Magunihy) and County of Kerry for the agistment, |
291 | T.A.1 | 4th March 1895 | Henry Arthur Herbert | John Casey | Gallyvally | 1st November 1894 | N. A. | Ten pounds to be paid by John Casey as rent to Henry Arthur Herbert, payable half-yearly on every first day of May and first day of November. "And the said John Casey doth hereby declare that he is a future Tenant under the provisions of the Land Law (Ir | That part of the lands of Gallyvally formerly in the occupation of Denis Tangney and containing one hundred and ten acres, in the Parish of Knockane, Barony of Dunkerron North, and which were recently recovered by Henry Arthur Herbert under Ejectment Decr |
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