Kenmare Estate Rent Ledgers

Kenmare Estate
In the 1870s, the lands held in County Kerry by the Browne family, Earls of Kenmare, amounted to over 91,000 acres. Their estate also included a further 22,000 acres in County Cork and over 4000 acres in County Limerick. In total, the Kenmare Estate covered, at that time, over 117,000 acres. The rent ledgers that are available here relate to the Kerry portion of the estate.
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Rent Ledger No.1
1874 - 1881/2
Rural Tenancies.
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Rent Ledger No.2
1874 - 1881/2
Rural Tenancies.
Links :

Rent Ledger No.3
Rural Tenancies.
Links :
Quick Search Database
Rent Ledger No.3

Rent Ledger No.4
1874 - 1881/2
Urban Tenancies (Killarney).
Links :

Rent Ledger No. 5
1885 - 1894
Urban Tenancies (Killarney).
Links :

Killarney Division
May 1891 to c. August 1893
Folios 1 - 500.
Links :

Killarney Division
November 1886 to c. May 1894
Folios 501 - 1000.
Links :

Rathmore Division
November 1886 to c. May 1894
Folios 1001 - 1500.
Links :

Rathmore Division
1st. January 1895 to November 1907
Folios 1001 - 1600.
Links :

Farranfore Division
1882 – 1886
Folios 1451 - 1881.
Links :
Index & Ledger - Farranfore Division
Farranfore Division Folio 1451 - 1881